I met a man who was in desperate search for a spark to light his way so he could more confidently walk the righteous and noble path of a life well lived. He found the journey treacherous, laced with self-doubt, and in its darkest passageways lurked denial.
The persistent temptations of the flesh presented themselves in the most devious of ways and at times he felt as though evil had the upper hand. So when confronted with such circumstances, he attended to the cornerstones of his life to assure himself that when called to his final journey he would do so with the peacefulness and tranquility provided to the servants of mankind.
He learned that the path he chose only had room for himself, and within himself resided the light and the lens that would be necessary to succeed. The tricky part was to recognize that the lens could magnify the “good” and the “evil” equally well to those around him. So he made
a plan to focus on the good and daily stamp out the evil. Though it was initially the harder option, he realized his character is like silver and only gains purification when tried by fire.
He was aware of his failings, but knew his creator is forgiving and that even the just man falls seven times. He was confronted by the complexity of love; it has no scorecard and cannot exist without its companion, forgiveness. In the end, his freedom to choose was one
of his greatest gifts.
Remember, every story has an ending and it begins with you.
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