If a very small portion of a CPA firm is devoted to Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) audits and training of staff is not specific, the quality of the resulting audit work suffers. Plan Fiduciaries should keep this in mind when hiring a CPA firm to audit their EBPs. A tax accountant, for example, is not going to be as effective at auditing timeliness of employee contributions, vesting percentages and benefit payments, resulting in added risk for plan Fiduciaries.
Even the most diligent plan sponsors do not run retirement plans without operational errors. There are many moving parts and plenty of opportunities for mistakes. The annual audit of the plan by a CPA provides a chance to catch and fix operational errors before a regulator puts the plan under a microscope. Rest assured that DOL and IRS agents are trained to uncover errors in EBP plans and they will find what you have missed. When they do, you’ll face financial consequences and civil penalties.